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Oct 15, 2017

Drunken Lullabies
EP 98 “Give Her the Ol' Double T”

Band/Label/Artist/Beer Twitter Handles: @DESTIHLbrewery, @GetSpiked13, @ROYALTUSK, @mikerphonebrew, @yazoobrew, @fiddleheadbrew, @EinstokBeer

Show Notes: The Voice is visiting Casa de Cosmo for the first time for a little bottle share recording with Calvin & Nate "Hambone". We have a Spin the Bottle from Iron Spike Brewing Company and then try some beer from EinstokFiddleheadYazooMikerphone, plus a Sponsor Spotlight from Destihl. The Band of the Week is Royal Tusk and we enjoy a few songs from them between beers. Subscribe, Rate, and Review the show on iTunes, and email us at to be featured on Drunkamaniac Mail.