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Sep 24, 2017

Drunken Lullabies
EP 95 “Don't Run Into the Fire”
Show Notes: The Voice is hosting the 2nd Annual Drunken Lullabies Bottleshare and had a few people over to pregame with an episode recording. Joining us this week is Hippie, Donnie, Adam, and Rothgar. We start with a round of Spin the Bottle brought to you by Iron Spike Brewing Company, followed by a large assortment of beers from Toppling GoliathVeilGrimmNew England Brewing CompanyTired HandsAngry Chair, & Dancing Gnome, plus a Sponsor Spotlight from Destihl BreweryThe Band of the Week is Grayscale and we enjoy a few songs from them between beers. Subscribe, Rate, and Review the show on iTunes, and email us at to be featured on Drunkamaniac Mail.