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May 14, 2017

Drunken Lullabies
EP 76 “Home Again: Live at The Social Kitchen”


Band/Label/Artist/Beer Twitter Handles: @DESTIHLbrewery, @GetSpiked13, @sethwalkermusic, @EDAnderson72, @SoProBrewCo, @GreenFlashBeer
Show Notes: The Voice is on the road again, and he brought along the Bottlecap Kid to the Social Kitchen in LaSalle, IL to do another fantastic show with some musicians. This time we are joined by Seth Walker and Edward David Anderson. Also joining us for the show is Dave the Promoter, Kim Anderson, and Mikey from the Social Kitchen. We have a Spin the Bottle with Iron Spike Brewery followed by a few beers from Trouble Brewing, Southern ProhibitionBrutal Truth BrewingGreen Flash, as well as a Sponsor Spotlight from Destihl Brewery. We enjoy 4 live performances on the show in between beers, so crack one open and enjoy the episode. Subscribe, Rate, and Review the show on iTunes, and email us to be featured on Drunkamaniac Mail.