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Sep 19, 2018

Drunken Lullabies Presents: Drunk At The Movies - Teen Wolf


It's the dawn of a new era of Drunk At The Movies. Dustin & Seph start Season 4 with a high school classic, Teen Wolf. Join us as we drink some craft beers, watch the film, and talk all about a variety of topics. Of course, we encourage you to do the same, especially with some beer from our sponsor Bearded Owl Brewing. This week we enjoy some Sister of the Pale Moon Pale Ale. 

We also feature some music from our Bands of the Week, Direct Hit! & The Aristocrats. So grab some beer, get at least 12 hours of sleep, surf on top of a van, make out in a closet with your best friend, and everything else is cream cheese. If you like what you hear, or if you have a movie suggestion, be sure to send feedback to and Rate, Review, & Subscribe so you never miss an episode.